
SPRING ’24 UPDATE: Firstly I owe all the regulars here a huge apology for the inexcusable lack of updates over the winter. I have been extremely busy with real life since the end of last summer and unfortunately website updates have taken a backseat. I’ll get back on track this year – honestly!

Usually at the end of a year I tend to post an overview of the major achievements and landmark areas of progress. This is really all covered on the Archive News tab at the top of the page, but the stand out achievement for 2023 was the removal of both engine doors and the installation of the Adour rear ends.

I’ve been accumulating parts to this end for a few years with the intention to give the impression of installed engines and am pretty happy with the result.

Over the winter the cockpit has been double covered to keep out the damp. As and when the weather finally improves (and it stops raining) the outer winter tarpaulin will be removed and I’ll get back into the cockpit tasks.

Looking forwards into this year there are a number of tasks that I’d like to get ticked off the to-do list. Getting full ground power back on the aircraft remains a major aim but this still relies on getting the Ground Power Unit serviceable. Likewise with the hydraulics but there is still a fair amount to do to get the hydraulic system complete.

I also have a few ‘skunkworks’ projects underway some of which will be revealed as we get into the year.

Several people have asked if I’ll be holding an Open House Day this year. I’ve had a look at the calendar (which also has to align with my work schedule which tends to spill into weekends over the corse of the summer). Whilst it is difficult to find weekends that don’t clash with other aviation events, airshows/photoshoots etc, I have decided to plump for Saturday August the 17th.

To register to attend please use the following link:

And finally, a quick welcome to new followers of this page and the project.

Remember that previous monthly updates can be found on the ‘Archive News’ tab at the top of the page and that our range of merchandise can be found under the ‘Merchandise’ tab. Proceeds from all sales roll directly back into assisting the ongoing restoration.

As always, many thanks for the ongoing interest and support and apologies again for the downtime in news over the winter.
